CONINCO participates in the 70th anniversary of AZUSA SEKKEI establishment (Japan)

Thứ năm, 13/10/2016    International operation

CONINCO participates in the 70th anniversary of AZUSA SEKKEI establishment (Japan)

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Accepting the invitation of Mr. Sugitani Fuhimiko - President and CEO of Azusa Sekkei Co., Ltd in Japan, the delegation of Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment - CONINCO participated in the 70th anniversary of Azusa Sekkei establishment in Tokyo on Octorber 13th, 2016.

Attending the Anniversary, there were Dr. Ha Minh - Member of BoM, Deputy General Director, leader of the delegation; and Mr. Le Thanh Minh - Deputy General Director.

Also, there were Azusa Sekkei's partners such as CPG consulting company in Singapore, and CCTC consulting company in China.

Azusa Sekkei consulting company has been in the construction field since its establishment on October 10th, 1946, right after the Second World War ended, in the living room of his house of Mr. Kiyota - the company founder.

Azusa Sekkei is one of the largest consultng companies in Japan, in four main fields: Health, Sports, Aviation and Urban Development.

To develop the relationship of two companies after 4 years of cooperation, CONINCO together with Azusa Sekkei signed the cooperation agreement in design and supervision consultancy for Health, Sport and Aviation works on May 17th, 2016. Signing cooperation agreement between CONINCO and Azusa Sekkei is an inevitable development step of the long lasting relationship between two companies.


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Dr. Ha Minh - Member of BoM, Deputy General Director congratulating Azusa Sekkei
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CONINCO delegation at Anniversary
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CONINCO taking pictures with Azusa in Japan, CPG in Singapore, CCTC in China

Taking part in the Anniversary marked a step promoting the cooperation between CONINCO and Azusa Sekkei into a new stage.