CONINCO participates in the International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation 26

Thứ tư, 02/11/2016    International operation

CONINCO participates in the International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation 26

During the period from October 30th to November 2nd, 2016, representatives of Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment (CONINCO., JSC) attended the International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation 2016 (ACF 2016). The conference focuses on the theme of “Sustainable Concrete for Now and the Future”, organized at JW Marriott Hanoi Hotel by Asian Concrete Federation and Vietnam Concrete Association.

The ACF 2016 International Conference was organized under the auspices of Vietnam Ministry of Construction and International Union of Laboratories as well as experts in construction materials, system and structures (RILEM), The International Federation for Structural Concrete (FIB) and American Concrete Institute (ACI), Japan Concrete Institute (JCI), Korea Concrete Institute (KCI). Deputy Minister of Construction in Vietnam, Dr. Le Quang Hung (President of Vietnam Concrete Association) was the Chairman of conference this time.

The conference was organized with the attendance of many professors in research, teaching, management, production of construction materials and reinforced concrete structures, design, construction,… from two hundred and fifty domestic and international organizations. Attending the conference, regarding CONINCO, there were Mr. Nguyen Van Cong - Chairman of BoM, General Director cum Vice President, General Secretary of Vietnam Association of Structural Engineering and Construction Technology; Dr. Ha Minh - Member of BoM, Deputy General Director cum Vice General Secretary of Vietnam Association of Structural Engineering and Construction Technology. Dr. Ha Minh was honored to take part in Scientific Council and presided Structural Concrete in the conference. 

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CONINCO representatives attending the 7th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF 2016)

The presentation is about research result, practical measurement and academic exchange via the actual issues in the society. The contribution covers main topics including concrete materials and technologies; cdmixtures for concrete; concrete structures; cracks in concrete structures; maintenance, monitoring, repair and strengthening; sustainability and other topics in related to concrete materials and structures.

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Dr. Ha Minh (first from the right) taking pictures at the Conference

The conference took place successfully. Such conference brings opportunity to enterprises and groups in the field of marketing product, technology, service, solution and creates relationship and cooperation in the field of science and business.