CONINCO & SAMYANG SYSTEM GROUP - Promoting long - term cooperation

Thứ hai, 07/11/2016    International operation

CONINCO & SAMYANG SYSTEM GROUP - Promoting long - term cooperation

On November 7th, 2016, Mr. Min Gyu Kang – General Manager of Busan Branch, Samyang System Group, Korea visited and worked at the Headquarters of Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment (CONINCO., JSC).

Welcoming Mr. Min Gyu Kang, regarding CONINCO, there were Mr. Nguyen Van Cong – Chairman of Bom cum General Director; Mr. Nguyen Huy Anh – Deputy General Director; Mr. Nguyen Dinh Dao – Former Deputy General Director; together with representatives of Economy & Planning Department, Center of International Cooperation & Consultancy, and Mechanical & Electrical Technology & Energy Project Center

CONINCO and Samyang System Group has a good long-term cooperative relationship as numerous engineers of CONINCO were assigned for training and working in Samyang Group, Korea.

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On occasion of this visit, Mr. Min Gyu Kang expressed his desire to expand the market in Vietnam and promote long-term cooperation with CONINCO. In response to the expression of Mr. Min Gyu Kang, Mr. Nguyen Van Cong also hoped the parties would have further collaboration opportunity in providing advantage products of both parties.

Since the establishment in 1960, SAMYANG is now one of the leading company in valve technology and system engineering. SAMYANG SYSTEM GROUP has put continuous efforts to make the highest quality automatic valve products for the efficient energy management within the construction and industrial equipment filed.
SAMYANG has researched hand-in-hand with the worldly-renown corporations and universities and produced environmental products and increase energy efficiency: Hot Water Distributor, Internet-based Home Automation System, Ventilating, Humidification and Radiant Cooling/Heating System. Thanks to its technical expertise, research re-investment and highly creditable products and after-sales service, SAMYANG has always raised its reputation and go on being raised by providing the high-quality indoor environmental control system embedded with high technology.