Experts of HATCH Pty Ltd visits CONINCO

Chủ nhật, 02/04/2017    International operation

Experts of HATCH Pty Ltd visits CONINCO

During the week of March 26, 2017 to April 1, 2017, the senior experts of HATCH Pty Ltd visited and worked at Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction and Tecexpertise in order to bring high efficiency to the implementing work while working dedicatedly and effectively. The experts also introduced a number of projects related to the fields of CONINCO in order to strengthen cooperation relationship in the future.

At the end of the business trip, CONINCO officials together with the HATCH experts visits some relics in Hanoi such as Bat Trang pottery village and Vietnam Museum of Ethnology. After this trip and returning their countries, the delegation expressed their satisfaction and appriciated the spirit of cooperation, professional work as well as the hospitality of CONINCO's staff, and wished to continue to cooperate with CONINCO for long-term in the coming time.
Dr. Ha Minh - Member of BoM, Deputy General Director aldo expressed gratitude to the delegated and sent a warm invitation to HATCH Pty Ltd to attend the ceremony of 38 years of establishment and 10 years of equitization of CONINCO an April 21, 2017. Dr. Ha Minh hopes that both parties will maintain good cooperation and develop more diverse in the future.