GEOSTR Corporation (Japan) visited CONINCO

Thứ ba, 14/02/2012    International operation

GEOSTR Corporation (Japan) visited CONINCO

GEOSTR Corporation (Japan) visited Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment - CONINCO at its head office in the afternoon of February 14, 2012.

Attending the meeting, from CONINCO, there were Chairman of Management Board and General Director Nguyen Van Cong, Deputy General Directors Ha Minh and Nguyen Luong Binh, Director of Project Experiment and Inspection Center Nguyen Huy Quang, and staff of International Cooperation and Consultancy Center; from GEOSTR, there were Mr. Minori Kuriyama – Executive Vice President, Mr. Shinichi Takeda – Director of Production and Construction Technology Division, Mr. Seiichi Hasegawa – Acting General Manager of General Affairs Department, Mr. Hideki Tanaka – General Manager of Technical Division.

Japan is the leading country in scientific research and machine technology in the world. Its products are hi-tech, precise, and friendly with the environment towards a stable future.

GEOSTR Corporation is the biggest concrete group in Japan with 4 concrete production plants and 1 steel production plant, holding about 50% of market share in Japan. With the technology of producing precast concrete and building up components exactly, GEOSTR manufactured, designed, and executed submersible bridges, concrete pavement slabs, ventilation towers of tunnel… which made a new face for Japanese urban. 

At the meeting, GEOSTR Corporation presented their concrete technology with extremely persuasive examples for illustration. GEOSTR hoped to cooperate with Vietnamese partners and believed in the knowledge about Vietnamese market of CONINCO. CONINCO also expressed the admiration with hi-tech concrete products of GEOSTR and suggested directions of cooperation in the future.

The meeting took place successfully and engaged more cooperation between the two companies in the future. In addition to expand local markets, CONINCO has unceasingly made efforts to coordinate with well-known partners. Until now, with its achievement, we can affirm that this is the right step.