IDEFIE Association (France) visited CONINCO

Thứ tư, 30/05/2012    International operation

IDEFIE Association (France) visited CONINCO

On May 5th, 2012, Mr. Nicolas Tenzer – President of IDEFIE Association visited Consultant and Inspection Joint stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment-CONINCO.

Welcoming IDEFIE Association, there were General Director. Nguyen Van Cong, Deputy General Director in charge of International Cooperation-Dr. Ha Minh, Mr. Le Thanh Minh-Manager of Marketing Dept., and Dr. Luong Thi Ngoc Huyen-Deputy Manager of Technical Control Dept., and staff of Center of International Cooperation and Consultancy.

From IDEFIE, there were Mr. Nicolas Tenzer – President, Mr. Eric A.Adré – Representative of EDEFIE in Vietnam, Ms. Luong My Binh – Assistant to Representative of EDEFIE in Vietnam.

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Discussing plan of cooperation

At the meeting, two parties have introduced functions, tasks, achievements and discussed chances of cooperation. 

IDEFIE is a French Association that specializes in technical development in Europe and all over the world. It is established for the purpose of connecting companies, individuals and experts, connecting Government agencies, local authorities, educational and researching organizations because experts play an important role in formulating projects, choosing equipment,...Therefore, through this meeting, IDEFIE would like to introduce well-experienced experts in consulting field to Vietnam market in general and CONINCO in particular.

Watching CONINCO’s introduction film

In the coming time, IDEFIE Association will organize Conference on Vietnam’s urbanization with the attendance of Government authorities, French companies in Vietnam and France. They also expect to get ideas of contribution and consultancy from CONINCO to organize the Conference successfully as well as connect and introduce researchers who have studied in France and other countries to make an effective network.

CONINCO’s General Director (on the left) gave a souvenir to President of IDEFIE
Taking photos
