INSA de Lyon University visited CONINCO

Thứ sáu, 27/04/2012    International operation

INSA de Lyon University visited CONINCO

On April 27, 2012, Ms. Sandrine Maximilien – Deputy Director for International Affairs of INSA de Lyon University visited Consultant and Inspection Joint stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment-CONINCO.

Welcoming Ms. Sandrine Maximilien, there were General Director. Nguyen Van Cong, Deputy General Director. Nguyen Luong Binh, staffs of Center of International Cooperation and Consultancy, especially Dr. Luong Thi Ngoc Huyen, who has completed Doctor thesis in the French Republic.
At the meeting, Ms. Sandrine Maximilien gave detail introduction of INSA de Lyon University. INSA de Lyon is a big university primarily training engineers in the French Republic. INSA de Lyon trains more than 1.000 engineers per year with 12 major specialities:  Civil construction, Electrical Engineering, M&E... Now INSA de Lyon has 20 research departments with over 100 researchers.

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INSA de Lyon is interested in international cooperation including Asia and it has started developing the relationship with Asia since 1998. Every year, INSA de Lyon receives about 30% international students who study at level of university and postgraduate including students from Asia. Number of Vietnamese student at INSA LYON ranks 4th in number of total students.
Besides training engineers in France, INSA LYON also trains senior engineers in Vietnam. Now partners of INSA LYON are Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Da Nang University of Civil Engineering, Hochiminh city  University of Technology. INSA de Lyon has two programs of training engineers in Vietnam under training program of France: Urban engineer (Hanoi University of Civil Engineering); Energy house (Hochiminh city University of Technology). After graduating this program, engineers will be granted the certificate as training in the French Republic.
CONINCO always takes human to be operation philosophy, so training is always one of subjects which Board of Management is very interested in. Over the past years, CONINCO has continuously assigned staffs to study many fields in Vietnam and foreign countries; after completing their programs, they bring their knowledge, enthusiasm and make contribution to general development of CONINCO.

Working spirit was friendly, joyful


Through this meeting, INSA de Lyon wished to have chance to cooperate, work with CONINCO in INSA de Lyon’s training program and expressed the desire that students of INSA de Lyon would have chance to practise at a prestigious Company as CONINCO.