Representatives of UNIVERGY – a Spanish-Japanese business group visit CONINCO

Thứ bảy, 20/01/2018    International operation

Representatives of UNIVERGY – a Spanish-Japanese business group visit CONINCO

In the afternoon of January 20, 2018, the representatives of UNIVERGY visited and worked at Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment (CONINCO.,JSC).

Regarding UNIVERGY, there were Mr. Kenta Kagikawa - President of UNIVERGY K.K; Mr. Giné Martinez Pérez - Vice President of UNIVERGY K.K; Ms. Do Khanh Linh – Chairwoman of UNIVERGY Vietnam; Ms. Sara Gonzalez – Project Manager EPC UNIVERGY K.K; Mr. Shunichi Konta - Global Business Manager UNIVERGY K.K; Mr. Nguyen Dinh Trung Hieu - Project Manager UNIVERGY Vietnam; Mr. Thanh Cong - Technical Manager of UNIVERGY Vietnam.
Welcoming the partners, regarding CONINCO, there were Dr. Ha Minh - General Director of the Company; Ms. Do Thi Ngoc Chau - Deputy Head of Economics & Planning Department and Dr. Duong Trong Vinh - Director of International Cooperation & Consultancy Center.

At the meeting, General Director Ha Minh expressed his pleasure to welcome the representatives of UNIVERGY to visit and exchange works at CONINCO. UNIVERGY is a business group whose areas of action are focused on Renewable Energy sector, with special interest in the development, construction and operation of photovoltaic solar energy projects, as well as in its multiple domestic, industrial and agricultural applications. Since its establishment, UNIVERGY with its main offices in Tokyo and Madrid, has experienced a very significant growth and has positioned itself as a global developer of sustainable projects, establishing offices in countries around the world, with commercial presence in virtually all continents. Currently, the group has business activity in Germany, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Argentina, Spain, Korea, Australia, the United States, the Netherlands, France and Egypt, etc.

Mr. Kenta Kagikawa - President of UNIVERGY K.K gave thanks to the leaders of CONINCO for their warm welcome. He hoped that with the capacity and experience of CONINCO, the two sides will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.