CONINCO inspects the quality and progress of projects in the Northeast region and the capital area

Thứ hai, 27/11/2023    Business Activities

CONINCO inspects the quality and progress of projects in the Northeast region and the capital area

From November 23rd to November 25th, 2023, Deputy General Director Nguyen Luong Binh, in charge of the Quality Control, along with a team of experts, inspected the progress and quality of 11 projects along the Northeastern region and the Capital region, including: Investment in construction of the City Political-Administrative Center, synchronous transportation system and technical infrastructure at the North Cam River Urban Area; Investment in construction of the City Conference-Performance Center and synchronous technical infrastructure at the North Cam River Urban Area; Investment in construction and upgrading of Tran Phu High School in Mong Cai City, implemented by the Construction Management Center (T.QX); The project of Constructing the remaining technical infrastructure and building 36 terraced houses, villas - Hai An Project; The apartment building project in Dong Mai Industrial Park; The clean water plant project in Song Khoai Industrial Park; Water treatment plant No. 1 in Song Khoai Industrial Park; Sports Center in Van Don Economic Zone, Ha Long Commune, Van Don District, implemented by the Construction & Environment Technology Transfer Center (T.MT); The project of Renovating and Expanding Nga Bridge, implemented by the Project Management Center (T.ĐH); The project of Renovating the Administrative Center of Viet Yen District People's Committee and Tan Yen District Conference Center, implemented by the Survey & Design Center (T.KS).

During the on-site and project office inspections, Deputy General Director Nguyen Luong Binh acknowledged the efforts of the consulting team in actively participating in the project's construction. However, to enhance the quality of consulting services, work efficiency, and maintain CONINCO's brand reputation, Deputy General Director Nguyen Luong Binh requested that the Consulting Teams ensure sufficient quantity and quality of personnel; be more proactive and decisive in their work; develop measures to accelerate construction, resolve obstacles, facilitate project implementation, meet deadlines, and ensure construction quality and labor safety. Furthermore, leaders of the units need to closely monitor the work, urge the Construction Supervision Consultant (TVGS) teams not to be complacent, comply with state regulations; regularly inspect, review, and update current standards; for projects applying foreign standards, it is necessary to assess the compatibility between foreign design standards and construction and acceptance standards according to TCVN (Vietnamese Technical Standards)...

Đoàn kiểm tra tại dự án Cải tạo, mở rộng Cầu Ngà và đường hai đầu cầu

Đoàn kiểm tra dự án Cải tạo Trung tâm hành chính UBND huyện Việt Yên

Đoàn kiểm tra dự án Trung tâm Hội nghị huyện Tân Yên

Đoàn kiểm tra dự án Nhà máy xử lý nước số 1 và Nhà máy cấp nước sạch Khu công nghiệp Sông Khoai

Đoàn kiểm tra tại Dự án Trung tâm Thể thao khu kinh tế Vân Đồn, xã Hạ Long, huyện Vân Đồn

Đoàn kiểm tra dự án Nhà chung cư KCN Đông Mai

Đoàn kiểm tra dự án Đầu tư xây dựng, nâng cấp Trưởng THPT Trần Phú, Tp Móng Cái

Đoàn kiểm tra tại Dự án Trung tâm Hội nghị-Biểu diễn thành phố và hệ thống hạ tầng kỹ thuật đồng bộ tại Khu đô thị Bắc sông Cấm

Quality is always a top priority for CONINCO's leadership when undertaking construction supervision consultancy for projects. Therefore, regular inspections and evaluations of on-site consultancy work play a crucial role in the project's success. During each inspection, the leadership team gains insights into the project's actual progress, ensures adherence to procedures, technical standards, and safety regulations, identifies potential issues and problems early on during construction to implement corrective measures, and demonstrates the company's commitment to the TVGS teams, motivating consulting engineers to continue striving for excellence and fulfilling their assigned tasks.

The inspection team hopes that with a sense of responsibility, experience, and professional expertise, CONINCO's consulting teams will overcome any existing shortcomings to ensure that the projects are implemented on schedule, safely, and with high quality.