CONINCO successfully completed the supervision consultancy service for Hanoi Party Committee Office

Thứ bảy, 14/03/2020    Business Activities

CONINCO successfully completed the supervision consultancy service for Hanoi Party Committee Office

On the morning of March 14th, 2020, the Hanoi Party Committee held the Grand opening ceremony of the Hanoi Party Committee Office at 9 Ngo Quyen Street (Hoan Kiem District), celebrating 90th founding anniversary of Hanoi municipal Party Committee (March 17th, 1930 - March 17th, 2020). Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment (CONINCO., JSC) provided Supervision consultancy service for this project. 

Attending the ceremony, there were Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue, Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Head of Hanoi's National Assembly delegation; Mr. Pham Quang Nghi, former member of the Politburo, former Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, former Head of Hanoi's National Assembly delegation; Ms. Ngo Thi Thanh Hang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee; Mr. Nguyen Duc Chung, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee; Ms. Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Hanoi People's Council; Mr. Dao Duc Toan, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Head of Steering Committee for building the Hanoi Party Committee Office; ...

On CONINCO's side, there were Mr. Nguyen Manh Tuan - Member of the BoM, Deputy General Director and our Construction Supervision team.

Leaders and former leaders of Hanoi city conducted a ribbon cutting ceremony for Hanoi Party Committee Office at No. 9 Ngo Ngo Street

Hanoi Party Committee Office is invested by the Hanoi Civil and Industrial works investment and construction Project management unit, started January 1st, 2018, at Hanoi Party Committee Office at No. 9 Ngo Quyen Street, Ly Thai To Ward, Hoan Kiem District. The work was completed on the occasion of the 90th founding anniversary of Hanoi municipal Party Committee, with a total floor area of 30,553m2, including 9 floors, 1 mezzanine floor and 4 basements, meeting all requirements and regulations on safety and quality. 

On March 12th, 2020, the Hanoi People's Committee issued Decision No. 1034/QD-UBND recognizing the office of the Hanoi Party Committee as a work to celebrate the the 90th founding anniversary of Hanoi municipal Party Committee. At the ceremony, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Vuong Dinh Hue awarded the certificate to Mr. Dao Duc Toan, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for building the Hanoi Party Committee Office. 

Politburo member, Secretary of Hanoi City Party Committee Vuong Dinh Hue awarded a certificate recognizing the works celebrating the 90th founding anniversary of the Hanoi municipal Party Committee to Deputy Secretary of Hanoi City Party Committee Dao Duc Toan
Leaders and former leaders of Hanoi city put the name sign for the Hanoi Party Committee Office and celebrated the 90th founding anniversary of Hanoi municipal Party Committee (March 17, 1930- 3/17/2020).

On behalf of Hanoi Party Committee leaders, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Ngo Thi Thanh Hang affirmed, implemented the Resolution No.15/2008/NQ-QH12 dated May 29, 2008 of the XII National Assembly on adjustment of administrative border of Hanoi city and a number of concerned provinces, the the Party Standing Committee of Hanoi City has led and directed many important jobs to stabilize the city's organization in general and the Party Committee agency in particular, including the development and construction of Hanoi Party Committee Office. The works constructed to meet the requirements of deep and professional working; be the venue for important meetings of the city, preserving the historical tradition of the City Party Committee and carrying out foreign affairs. 

Ms. Ngo Thi Thanh Hang highly appreciated the activities of the Steering Committee for building the Office; acknowledged and praised the efforts to overcome difficulties of the Hanoi Civil and Industrial works investment and construction Project management unit, the Office of the Hanoi Party Committee, Consulting units: verification, construction supervision, construction contractor and the whole team of architects, engineers and workers directly involved in the project's implementation. The works ensured quality, fine art, technology, schedule and is one of the architectural highlight works in the city center. 

Party Committees urgently moved the old workplace to the new office; continue to thoroughly grasp the cadres, civil servants and employees to raise their sense of responsibility, administrative discipline, build professional manners, working practices, create workplace culture. The moving process must ensure science, efficiency, safety, and do not affect the general work of the agency, especially when the city is focusing on directing the organization of important events of the city and the ry, organizing the Party Congress at all levels, the 7th Municipal Party Congress and the current urgent task is the prevention and control of Covid-19.

Member of BoM, Deputy General Director Nguyen Manh Tuan (in the middle) and CONINCO's supervision team at the Grand opening ceremony

CONINCO - one of the leading construction consulting companies in Vietnam with more than 40 years of establishment and development, is proud of being trusted by the leaders of the Party, State, Government in general and Hanoi city leaders in particular to carry out important works of the city and CONINCO is confident to always perform well the services that contribute to the homeland beautification in the process of industrialization and modernization.