CONINCO welcomed worked with Nihon Sekkei

Thứ sáu, 13/09/2019    International operation

CONINCO welcomed worked with Nihon Sekkei

   On September 13, 2019, the Nihon Sekkei Group (Japan) delegation paid a working visit to Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment (CONINCO., JSC).

   Attending the meeting, on the side of Nihon Sekkei Group there were Mr. Naoki TOMINAGA - Senior Architect and Mr. Yusaku ICHIMURA - Chairman of Nihon Sekkei Vietnam. Welcoming the delegation, towards CONINCO, there were Dr. Ha Minh - General Director of the company and Ms. Dau Thi Thu Dan - Deputy Manager of Market and International Relations Department.


Dr. Ha Minh - General Director of the Company (the third one from the left) works with Mr. Naoki TOMINAGA, Senior Architect (the second one from the left) and Mr. Yusaku ICHIMURA, President of Nihon Sekkei Vietnam (on the far left)

   Nihon Sekkei Group and CONINCO have been close partners for many years. Nihon Sekkei has cooperated with CONINCO to carry out many projects in Vietnam such as: Supreme People's Procuracy Project, MB Grand Tower Project, National Assembly House and New Ba Dinh Hall.

At this meeting, the two sides discussed the implementation of projects that have been and will be cooperating in order to bring about the project quality and satisfaction to the Investor.

   The meeting took place in a friendly and constructive atmosphere. General Director - Dr. Ha Minh and Mr. Naoki TOMINAGA appreciate the close relationship between CONINCO and Nihon Sekkei in the past time and hope to maintain a good cooperative relationship, continue to develop and diversify further cooperation in future.