Chairman of BOM, General Director of CONINCO to inspect the Project Sites in Ho Chi Minh City

Thứ năm, 30/03/2017    Business Activities

Chairman of BOM, General Director of CONINCO to inspect the Project Sites in Ho Chi Minh City

On March 29th, 2017, Chairman of the BoM, General Director Nguyen Van Cong and Deputy General Director Nguyen Minh Quan checked the progress of the projects which CONINCO implemented the supervision consulting services in Ho Chi Minh City including: Complex of Commercial - Social houses – under the residential area of the North of Ba Buom canal (Jamona Apartment), Head Office and Commercial Center of Viettel, Production Center of Vietnam Television.

In order to ensure the quality and schedule of work as well as to improve the work safety in all sites CONINCO are providing services, CONINCO's leaders regularly check and remind the officers to follow the procedure.

Jamona Apartment Complex is designed based on the ideal of sustainability, prosperity and development. Jamona Apartment consists of 2 symmetrical blocks of 25 storeys each, creating a solid foundation. Each apartment in the project has a beautiful view. The project maximizes the area of ​​green trees along the Ba Buom canal, creating a green space. Currently, the project is in the stage of completion and ealier than the set progress.

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The perspective of the Jamaron Apartment Complex

The Production Center of Vietnam Television in HCM City is located in District 1 center of the city. The main building has a total floor area of ​​over 9,600 m2, including two basements, 16 above-ground storeys, with a height of nearly 60 m. Total investment of the project is 265 billion dong. The project is on schedule.

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Project Perspective of the Production Center of Vietnam Television

The Head Office and Commercial Center of Viettel is built on an area of ​​14,240.7 m2. The scale of the project consists of two high buildings of 24 to 30 storeys, of which one 30 storeys and one 24 storeys. The total floor area of ​​the project is approximately 162,000 m2. Total investment for the project is about 2700 billion dong. Currently, the project is in the process of pre-acceptance test, and expected to put into use on April 16th, 2017.

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The perspective of the Head Office and Commercial Center of Viettel

Checking the site, the Chairman of BoM, General Director Nguyen Van Cong praised the CONINCO engineers as well as the contractors overcame difficulties, well organized the site, and active in the deployment to meet the requirements of the project. In addition, the Chairman of the BoM, General Director also asked the staffs to always focus on the work, closely monitor the quality of work, ensure labor safety and environmental sanitation to meet the next milestone of the project.