CONINCO attended the Groundbreaking ceremony the Headquarters construction project for Peoples Court Hanoi

Thứ sáu, 07/08/2020    Business Activities

CONINCO attended the Groundbreaking ceremony the Headquarters construction project for Peoples Court Hanoi

On the morning of August 7th, 2020, at Lot 1-VP the urban functional area of the South Ring Road 3, Dai Kim ward, Hoang Mai district, Hanoi, Hanoi People's Committee commenced the Headquarters construction project for People's Court of Hanoi. This is an important project implemented in the spirit of the Resolution No.49/NQ-TW dated June 2nd, 2005 of the Politburo on judicial reform strategy until 2020, Decision No. 4953/QD-UBND dated September 9th, 2016 of the Hanoi People's Committee on the approval of "Planning to build a system of working offices of judicial agencies in Hanoi until 2030 with a vision to 2050". CONINCO - INROS LACKNER Consortium performs Design Consultancy services for this project.

Attending the groundbreaking ceremony were Ms. Ngo Thi Thanh Hang - Member of the Party Central Committee, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Head of Hanoi Judicial Reform Steering Committee; Mr. Le Hong Quang - Member of the Party Central Committee, Standing Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court; Mr. Nguyen The Hung - Vice Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee; representatives of departments, branches of the city ...

On CONINCO's side, there were Mr. Nguyen Dang Quang - Deputy General Director, Project Manager, Mr. Pham Tien Thang - Director of Architecture Center No. 2. On Inros Lackner’s side, there was Mr. Torsten Illgen - Chairman of Inros Lackner Vietnam LLC, the legal representative of Inros Lackner of Germany in Vietnam and the design consultant team at the project and the leading representatives of the contractors participating in the project.

Delegates commenced the headquarters construction project for the People's Court of Hanoi

Headquarters of the People's Court of Hanoi is located in a convenient location for traffic, with beautiful view and landscapes including 6 floors and 1 basement built on an area of about 35,016 m2 with a total investment of nearly 800 billion VND. The layout of the building is concentrated into two large blocks with two main functions: Work block and adjudication block. The building is designed in the European architectural style in the 17th-18th century with sophisticated and modern decorations, but still has traditional features to create a harmonious but equally solemn image for the works, suitable for use function, meeting the needs of judicial reform, improving working efficiency and adjudication activities of judges, examiners, secretaries, people's jurors and workers of the People's Court of Hanoi.

Vice Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee Nguyen The Hung delivered a speech at the groundbreaking ceremony

Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony, Vice Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee Nguyen The Hung proposed the Hanoi Ha Noi Civil and Industrial Works Investment and Construction Project Management Unit to preside over and closely coordinate with the city’s departments and branches, construction contractors, consulting units implementing project management in accordance with the State regulations; strictly comply with the regulations on construction investment order and procedures, technical standards, processes and regulations for the construction of works on schedule and ensuring quality; regularly monitor, inspect and promptly solve problems arising in the process of project implementation; ensuring labor safety, traffic safety and environmental sanitation.

Deputy General Director Nguyen Dang Quang (in the middle) took a photo with Consortium and the delegates at the groundbreaking ceremony

As the leading construction consulting company in Vietnam, especially over the last 10 years, Design consultancy field has been and increasingly trusted by the investor, affirmed the quality through the key projects such as: Headquarters of the Supreme People's Court, Headquarters of the Supreme People's Procuracy, MB Grand Tower, Phu Bai International Airport ... Participating in the project of building Headquarters of the People's Court of Hanoi, with our experience, professionalism and dedication, CONINCO is confident to successfully complete the job, bring satisfaction to the Investor as well as affirm the sustainable value and perfect  quality in every project CONINCO participates.

Perspective of Headquarters of the People's Court of Hanoi