CONINCO to be awarded "Reputed Brands in 27"

Thứ năm, 24/08/2017    Business Activities

CONINCO to be awarded

On August 24, 2017, CONINCO received the award of "Top 50 Reputed Brands in 2017" awarded by the Vietnam Intellectual Property Association. The program was held at Au Co Art Center with the participation of famous enterprises such as VNPT, Techcombank, Vingroup, Vietnam Airlines ...

The award is meant as an affirmation of the position and quality of CONINCO's services, not only in the construction industry but also a provider of services with “experiences, professionalism, reputation by honesty and devotion to the community."

To gain the "Reputed brands in 2017" award, CONINCO has made continuous efforts in scientific research and training of high quality human resources, enhancing international cooperation and improving service quality. We have and develop new services to meet the needs of partners and customers. Previously, on August 20, CONINCO brand name was honored to be one of the "Top 10 brands in construction industry in 2017", and today CONINCO again is honored to be "Reputed brands in Vietnam in 2017" – a confirmation of the increasingly appreciated and satified quality of CONINCO’s services to the partners and customers.

As the leading construction consulting company in Vietnam, CONINCO not only constructs buildings but also creates the best living space and environment to "connect - share" towards a sustainable future and development for the industrialization and modernization of the country as well as global economic integration.

The "Reputed and Competitive Brands in Vietnam" Award is organized by Vietnam Intellectual Property Association with the aim of recognizing and honoring outstanding enterprises in the era of international integration and competition. The program is held annually, with the participation of numerous enterprises in the country such as VNPT, Techcombank, Vingroup, Vietnam Airlines ..., thereby, providing extensive information to consumers about their prestige, high quality products, services, brand names of Vietnam. At the same time, the program is also an activity for businesses to acknowledge the benefits, the way to protect trademarks, to prevent the trademarks violation in the domestic as well as international market.