CONINCO participates in the Opening Ceremony of International Passenger Terminal - Da Nang International Airport

Thứ sáu, 19/05/2017    Business Activities

CONINCO participates in the Opening Ceremony of International Passenger Terminal - Da Nang International Airport

In the afternoon of May 19, Da Nang International Terminal Joint Stock Company held the opening ceremony of the project "Building International Passenger Terminal - Da Nang International Airport". This is an important building towards the APEC Summit Week 2017 and future aviation development. Da Nang International Terminal can serve 1,800 passengers in the rush hour. CONINCO is the construction supervision consultant in cooperation with the contractors to carry out the project on schedule.

The ceremony was attended by Vice Minister of Transport Le Dinh Tho, Danang's leaders and representatives of contractors. On the CONINCO side, there were Mr. Nguyen Van Cong – Chairman of BoM, Mr. Nguyen Manh Tuan - Member of BoM, Deputy General Director, Mr. Nguyen Minh Quan - Deputy General Director, Branch Manager in Ho Chi Minh City and consulting engineers providing services in this project.

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The Da Nang International Passenger Terminal project was commenced on November 15, 2015, with four main items including an international passenger terminal; a bridge in front of the passenger terminal; technician center; car park. The project has a total investment of 3,500 billion dong.

The international passenger terminal item is built on an area of ​​21,000 square meters with a floor area of ​​48,000 square meters. The station has a linear similarity to the existing terminal, designed to have two separate elevated levels, 44 air traffic counters, 20 exit counters, 22 entry counters, 10 exits, 2 equipment to handle luggages and 4 equipment to pay back arriving luggages.

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Especially, the terminal is designed with a separate floor for commercial and non-aeronautical services to meet the demand of passengers. Inspired by the gull, a free-flying seagull flying over the East Sea, the roof structure is designed to be both soft and symmetrical with the existing terminal just as youthful as the life of a dynamic coastal developing city.

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Da Nang International Terminal has two parallel runways, two parallel rollers, 15 extension rollers, and 15 landing positions for aircraft codeE.

Technical area of ​​2,713 m2, installed with technical system of the station including air conditioning system, backup power system, electrical system, water, waste water treatment ... Parking and carport area of ​​41,000 m2, designed capacity of 416 parking positions from 4 to 16 seats and 20 parking positions in 45 seats.

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The existing terminal will become domestic stations to ensure proper development plan of Da Nang International Airport until 2020 and orientation to 2030.

Deputy Minister of Transport Le Dinh Tho highly appreciated the efforts of the investor and contractors when putting the project on schedule. Together with other works, the international passenger terminal contributes to attracting domestic and international tourists, which will best service for the APEC Summit Week 2017 held in Da Nang.

Da Nang International Airport is one of the three largest airports in the country. As the central airport of the central region, Danang International Airport has contributed positively to ensure national defense and security and promoting socio-economic development in the region.