CONINCO selects DELTA as the Contractor of Package XL- of the Project CONINCO TOWER

Thứ ba, 07/11/2017    Business Activities

CONINCO selects DELTA as the Contractor of Package XL- of the Project CONINCO TOWER

On November 7th, 2017, at the CONINCO office, the contract signing ceremony of the package XL-01 of the Project CONINCO TOWER between CONINCO and Delta Civil & Industrial Construction Co., Ltd. The project CONINCO TOWER is located at No.4, Ton That Tung street, Dong Da district, Hanoi and the tower will be a new home, the headquarters of CONINCO in the near future.

Attending the signing ceremony, on behalf of CONINCO, there were Mr. Nguyen Van Cong - Chairman of the BoM; Dr. Ha Minh - General Director, Member of the BoM; Mr. Nguyen Manh Tuan - Member of the BoM, Deputy General Director, Director of the PMU; Mr. Phan Ngoc Cuong - Member of the BoM, Deputy General Director; Mr. Nguyen Luong Binh - Deputy General Director together with representatives of management departments.

Regarding DELTA, there were Mr. Tran Thanh Vinh - General Director, Mr. Nguyen Minh Hien - Deputy General Director and representatives of functional departments.

The whole view of the signing ceremony

CONINCO TOWER is a Grade A office building which is located on an area of ​​1814m2, the construction area of ​​1,076m2 and the total floor area of ​​26,072.1m2 including 19 floors, a technical barrier, 3 basements and a mezzanine floor. The project is the architectural highlight at Ton That Tung - Pham Ngoc Thach - Chua Boc - Dong Tac crossroad. It is designed with deviated-floor basements. The entire surface of concrete works ensure the requirements of direct paint quality on concrete (not plastered). The construction works using Reckli formwork technology imported from the Federal Republic of Germany to create motifs

Project perspective of CONINCO TOWER

After a serious selection process, CONINCO decided to choose DELTA as the partner to implement the package XL-01: Construction of the raw part (including testing pile, mass pile, wall, foundation and basement, body structure, wall cover). The expected contract duration: 480 days.

CONINCO and DELTA have worked in many large and small projects all over the country. Therefore, CONINCO’s Management Board believes in DELTA's experience and capability of construction. Delivering a speech at the signing ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Van Cong - Chairman of CONINCO asked all parties to have close cooperation to complete the project in accordance with the quality and schedule. Mr. Tran Thanh Vinh - General Director of DELTA also expressed his admiration to CONINCO - one of the leading construction consulting companies in Vietnam when determined to build the spacious and majestic headquarters. Mr. Vinh once committed that DELTA will finish the project to ensure the expected quality and schedule.

The signing ceremony was a great success, hope that CONINCO TOWER will create a beautiful, modern architecture in harmony with the whole landscape.