Consortium AZUSA – OCG – SHIP – CONINCO sign the contract Building Cho Ray Vietnam-Japan Friendship Hospital

Thứ ba, 26/12/2017    Business Activities

Consortium AZUSA – OCG – SHIP – CONINCO sign the contract Building Cho Ray Vietnam-Japan Friendship Hospital

Attending the signing ceremony, on behalf of the Investor, there were Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Truong Son - Director of Cho Ray Hospital, Director of Project Management Unit; Dr. Pham Thi Ngoc Thao - Deputy Director of Cho Ray Hospital, Deputy Director of Project Management Unit; Mr. Nguyen Quoc Tuong - Deputy Director of Project Management Unit.

Regarding AZUSA SEKKEI (Japan), there were Mr. Kazuhiko MURAMOTO - Managing Director, Mr. Kenichiro INOUE - Head of International Management Division, Planning and Business Department, Mr. Katsuaki HIMEI - General Director of AZUSA SEKKEI Vietnam, Mr. Pham Hai Ha - Deputy Head of International Division.

Regarding OCG (Japan), there was Mr. Hitoshi YAHAGI - Director of Representative Office in Hanoi.

On behalf of SHIP (Japan), there were Mr. Hiroshi TAKU - President, Representative Director; Mr. Yasuhiro ITO - Senior Consultant.

Representatives of CONINCO were Mr. Nguyen Van Cong - Chairman of the BoM, Mr. Le Thanh Minh - Deputy General Director; Mr. Nguyen Minh Quan - Deputy General Director and Ms. Pham Thuy Linh - Deputy Manager of Marketing Department.

Project perspective of Cho Ray Vietnam-Japan Friendship Hospital

The project of Cho Ray Vietnam-Japan Friendship Hospital has 10 floors, 1000 beds with total investment capital of up to 6,117 billion VND, of which the Japanese ODA  accounts for 28.8 billion Yen (equivalent to 5,751 billion VND). The consortium of AZUSA - OCG - SHIP HEALTHCARE - CONINCO will undertake the following services: project management, review and completion of bidding documents, bidding support, construction supervision, operation & maintenance planning as well as implementation support of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and the Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP), health and safety monitoring in this project.

The project is built on a 10 hectare site in Le Minh Xuan Industrial Park, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. This is a hospital with a modern scale to meet the standards of international hospital with helicopter airport, equipped with CT scanner, MRI, DSA, Hybrid operating room. At the same time, this is a hospital that follows both the model of medical treatment and scientific research, training and international cooperation.

Representatives to sign contracts and take pictures after the ceremony

The successful signing ceremony once again confirms the position and coverage of CONINCO in the field of consultancy on bidding, construction and supervision consultancy for key projects of the Ministry of Health.