Contract signing ceremony for Package 5.120 – Supervision Peer-Review Consulting Services on Construction Drawing Design for Passenger Terminal Building under Long Thanh International Airport Construction Project – Phase 1

Thứ sáu, 07/07/2023    Business Activities

Contract signing ceremony for Package 5.120  – Supervision Peer-Review Consulting Services on Construction Drawing Design for Passenger Terminal Building under Long Thanh International Airport Construction Project – Phase 1

Following the success of aviation projects across the country, along with positive results in consulting packages under the Long Thanh International Airport Construction Project from 2021 to now, Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment (CONINCO., JSC) has increasingly affirmed our consulting capacity,  prestige and responsibility when implementing key aviation projects and continue to be trusted by the Investor to perform the tasks of Supervision, Peer-Review consulting services on Construction Drawing Design for Passenger Terminal, Component Project No. 3 under Long Thanh International Airport Construction Project - Phase 1. 
On the morning of July 7, 2023, the contract for package 5.12 was officially signed between Airports Corporation of Vietnam - JSC (ACV) and JAC – CONINCO Joint Venture (Japan Airport Consultants, Inc. & Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment).

Attending the contract signing ceremony, on the side of ACV, there were: Mr. Lai Xuan Thanh – Chairman of Board of Management; Ms. Le Thi Dieu Thuy – Member of Board of Management; Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Phuong – Member of Board of Management; Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Quy – Member of Board of Management; Mr. Nguyen Tien Viet – Deputy General Director; Mr. Duong Quang Dien – Acting Director of Long Thanh International Airport Project Management Unit; and leaders of departments.

On JAC's side, there were Mr. Ryohei YAMADA – Chief Representative of JAC Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City, Managing Director, International Marketing General Director; Mr. Nguyen Tan Hung – Project Coordinator.

On CONINCO's side, there were Mr. Nguyen Van Cong – Chairman of the Board of Directors; Mr. Phan Ngoc Cuong – Member of the Board of Directors, General Director; Mr. Nguyen Manh Tuan - Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy General Director; Mr. Nguyen Huu Truong - Deputy General Director; Mr. Nguyen Huy Anh - Deputy General Director; Mr. Le Thanh Minh - Deputy General Director, Manager of the Office of the Board of Directors; Mr. Nguyen Minh Quan - Deputy General Director, Director of Ho Chi Minh City Branch and leaders of administrative departments.

Representatives of ACV and JAC-CONINCO Joint venture performed the contract signing ceremony

Long Thanh International Airport Construction Project is in the world’s 16 most exciting airport projects. This is an important infrastructure project at the national level with the largest total investment ever, including 01 runway and 01 passenger terminal building with synchronous auxiliary items with a capacity of 25 million passengers/year and 1.2 million tons of cargo/year. Once completed, Long Thanh will become an important international air transit hub for the region, serve the national air transportation development strategy. This project is not only an important trading hub but also a highlight demonstrating the strategic vision, bringing the country to speed up and integrate faster.

The Passenger Terminal Building (PTB) - Phase 1 centralized layout with 04 levels including 01 central building and 03 piers. The PTB is designed with 02 separate departure and arrival levels with 01 ground floor and 03 levels, a total floor area of approximately 376,451.32 m2, the height of rooftop is 45.55 m.  The PTB has complex technical nature, advance technology is applied effectively to design the terminal at the time of design, suitable for investment requirements and ability to meet the operation requirements. The terminal is smart, modern and convenient for passengers, ensures efficient and environmentally friendly operation, etc… aiming to be the international air transit hub for the region. The PTB of Long Thanh International Airport has connections and contacts with most other items within the airport. Therefore, when implementing, Construction Supervision and Peer-Review Consultant on Construction Drawing Design need to come up with appropriate solutions to ensure synchronous connectivity with the overall approved project.

Perspective of the Passenger Terminal Building – Long Thanh International Airport

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Tien Viet – Deputy General Director of ACV said: "In the Component Project No.3 “Airport essential facilities”, the passenger terminal building can be considered as the most important work because of the longest construction time, the most complex technical nature, decisive to the success of the Long Thanh International Airport Construction Project - Phase 1. The project has received special attention and close guidance from the Government and State competent authorities. Therefore, the selection of a unit with full capacity and experience in construction supervision is extremely important and is focused by ACV.”

After the process of evaluating bids and contract negotiation process for Package 5.12, with the participation of specific consultants for each content in accordance with the approved design requirements, ensuring the selection process is carried out fairly, transparently, objectively and in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law on bidding, the winning bidder of package 5.12 is JAC – CONINCO Joint Venture.

Mr. Nguyen Tien Viet – Deputy General Director of ACV spoke at the signing ceremony

ACV's leaders highly appreciated the capacity and experience of JAC and CONINCO in participating in major projects in the world, national important projects, especially aviation projects and the process of implementing consulting packages under the Long Thanh International Airport Construction Project - Phase 1. ACV's leaders hope that with capacity, resources and responsibility as well as professional ethics, the JAC - CONINCO joint venture will accompany ACV to complete the consulting task on schedule with the highest quality. At the same time, ACV commits to accompany, facilitate and support the Joint venture, jointly remove obstacles so that the two parties can reach a common voice in the process of contract performance.

Mr. Ryohei YAMADA - Chief Representative of JAC Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City, Managing Director, International Marketing General Director spoke at the signing ceremony

Clearly defining the importance of the project to the socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security as well as the role and responsibility of the JAC - CONINCO Joint venture for the success of the project, JAC Chief Representative Ryohei Yamada and CONINCO Chairman Nguyen Van Cong commit that JAC - CONINCO Joint venture with a team of experts sufficient quality and quantity will be implemented seriously, professionally and strictly on schedule, contributing to the completion of the project, putting Long Thanh International Airport (phase 1) into operation to ensure the highest safety and quality according to the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization to enhance the position of the airport system of Vietnam in the region and all over the world.

Mr. Nguyen Van Cong – CONINCO Chairman of the BoD spoke at the signing ceremony

Being selected to implement this package 5.12 does not only affirm the position and reputation of CONINCO brand, creating opportunities to develop and expand the company's market, but also an opportunity for each engineer to develop more capacity as well as personal brand. Chairman Nguyen Van Cong requested the consulting team to always focus, closely follow each project item, coordinate with the parties so that the work is implemented closely and completed with the best quality, making positive contributions to the development of Vietnam's aviation industry.

JAC – CONINCO Joint Venture at the Contract Signing Ceremony
JAC – CONINCO Joint Venture took photo with the PMU