Contract signing ceremony for Package LC4 -15 : Consulting supervision, contract management under Development medium cities in Vietnam - Lao Cai City Sub-project

Thứ tư, 17/04/2019    Business Activities

Contract signing ceremony for Package LC4 -15 : Consulting supervision, contract management under Development medium cities in Vietnam - Lao Cai City Sub-project

On April 17, 2019, in Lao Cai province, CONSULTANT AND INSPECTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY OF CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT - CONINCO together with ODA Project Management Board for negotiation and signing the Package LC4 -15: Supervision consultancy, contract management sponsored by the World Bank (WB) under credit capital IDA No. Cr.6070-VN and Cr.6071-VN.

Attending the signing ceremony, from the Owner side were Mr. Phi Cong Hoan - Deputy Director of Lao Cai Department of Planning and Investment, Director of Lao Cai Province ODA Project Management Board, Mr. Le Ngoc Minh - Deputy Director ODA Project Management Board of Lao Cai province and heads of relevant specialized departments.

From CONINCO, there were Mr. Nguyen Huu Truong - Deputy General Director of CONINCO and the leader of the unit directly implementing the Project - Construction Management Center of key projects.

Sharing the vibrant atmosphere and a series of events to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Company's establishment, the result of selecting a contractor in Lao Cai City Subproject contributed to affirming CONINCO's capacity in the project market. using ODA capital, especially for the careful and rigorous selection process of the World Bank and Lao Cai ODA Project Management Board.

After experiencing urban development projects, at Package LC4-15, CONINCO as an independent contractor has received the trust and appreciation to be empowered to perform consulting services.

At present, CONINCO is fully confident about the ability to use and coordinate real international experts with foreign consultants such as Switzerland, Japan, Korea, etc. Show projects with the best efficiency and quality.

Overview of the signing ceremony
Representatives of both sides awarded the contract

Lao Cai City Sub-project with major investment in construction and upgrading of multi-field urban infrastructure, including residential infrastructure, environmental sanitation, urban roads with technical assistance and improve management capacity for units related to urban management through 04 project components. The objective of the subproject is to support the Sustainable Development of Lao Cai City in particular and Lao Cai Province in general.
The LC4-15 package is independently performed by CONINCO as a construction supervision consultant, supporting contract management for 06 construction contracts over a 30-month period with a consulting contract value of over VND 20 billion. . The main tasks to be carried out in the framework of the consulting contract are as follows:
Task 1: The initial setup; Review of FS Report, Basic Design and Detailed Design, Environmental and Social Management Plan of Lao Cai MCDP sub-project added
Task 2: Bidding support
Task 3: Consulting construction supervision and contract management
Task 4: Project management