Ground Breaking Ceremony of Test Pile for the Project of CONINCO TOWER

Thứ tư, 27/12/2017    Business Activities

Ground Breaking Ceremony of Test Pile for the Project of CONINCO TOWER

Attending the groundbreaking ceremony, regarding CONINCO there were Dr. Ha Minh - Member of the BoM, General Director; Mr. Nguyen Manh Tuan - Member of BoM, Deputy General Director, Director of Project Management Unit; Mr. Phan Ngoc Cuong - Member of the BoM, Deputy General Director, Deputy Director of the Project Management Unit; Mr. Nguyen Luong Binh - Deputy General Director, Deputy Director of Project Management Unit; Mr. Le Ngoc Quang - Deputy General Director; together with representatives of management departments.

Also attending the ceremony were representatives of DELTA: Mr. Nguyen Minh Hien - Deputy General Director, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thu - Deputy General Director as well as contractors.

Preparation for test pile at CONINCO TOWER

After a serious selection process, CONINCO selects DELTA as the contractor for package XL-01 "Construction of the raw part” including test pile, mass pile, wall, foundation and basement, body structure, wall cover. DELTA performs the test pile, load test to determine the bearing capacity of the pile, ensuring the foundation treatment of the best quality as committed. With the well-assessed geology, the bored pile technology is applied to assure the best quality of the pile and shorten the construction time. After the finishing the test pile, the contractor will carry out the construction of mass pile on the entire project site, marking a milestone on the progress of the project, bringing the project to completion and ensuring the set progress.

Participants in the ground breaking ceremony of test pile for CONINCO TOWER

Delivering the speech at the ceremony, Dr. Ha Minh - General Director of CONINCO emphasized that the completion of the test pile construction will create a prerequisite for ensuring the progress of project construction; At the same time, the General Director emphasized the close coordination of the units in the project implementation to ensure quality, efficiency and on schedule.

CONINCO TOWER - head office of CONINCO in the near future - is the architectural point at the intersection of Ton That Tung - Pham Ngoc Thach - Chua Boc - Dong Tac. The tower is built on an area of 1814 m2 with a construction area of 1.076 m2, total floor area of 26,072.1 m2 including 19 floors + one technical barrier + three basements and one mezzanine floor. Upon completion, CONINCO TOWER will be a Grade A office building, promising to create a modern architectural space in harmony with the overall landscape of the area.