Thank You Letter for attending The Ceremony of 38 years of Establishment (1979-27) - 10 years of Equitization (2007–27)

Thứ hai, 24/04/2017    Business Activities

Thank You Letter for attending The Ceremony of 38 years of Establishment (1979-27) - 10 years of Equitization (2007–27)

On April 21st, 2017, Consultant and Inspection Joint Stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment (CONINCO., JSC) successfully and solemnly organized The ceremony of 38 years of Establishment (1979-2017) - 10 years of Equitization (2007–2017) at Daewoo Hanoi Hotel.

The Board of Directors, Party Committee, Operation Board, Trade Union, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Organizing Committee together with about 1,000 employees of the Company would like to thank you very much for the support of The leaders of the Party, the State, the Government, the National Assembly, the Ministries, Central committees, local authorities; Vietnamese and international enterprises and partners; universities; research institutes; the Federation of Civil Engineering Associations; the professional associations; colleagues; media agencies, generations of senior engineers in the construction industry and the companies who attended our ceremony and sent us greeting cards, presents and flowers.

We wish all of you and your family a healthy, happy and successful life.



Nguyen Van Cong