signing ceremony the principle contract between CONINCO AE Corportation for project AE Resort - Cua Tung Quang Tri

Thứ tư, 09/01/2019    Business Activities

signing ceremony the principle contract between CONINCO AE Corportation for project AE Resort - Cua Tung Quang Tri

On January 9, 2019, at the head office of Consultant and Inspection joint stock Company of Construction Technology and Equipment - CONINCO, the signing ceremony of the principle contract between CONINCO and AE Corporation took place on the project of AE resort marine eco-urban area - Cua Tung Quang Tri. CONINCO was selected as the Condotel Construction and Equipment Installation Supervision Consultant.

Attending the signing ceremony, on behalf of AE Corporation, there were Ms. Do Thanh Loan - Deputy General Director, Mr. Dau Ba Anh - Head of Project Management Board, Mr. Tran Ngoc Hieu - Head of Maketting Department, Ms. Mai Thi Lien – Assistant of general director.

On CONINCO's side, there were Mr. Nguyen Huu Truong - Deputy General Director, Ms. Ho Thi Ha - Head of Economic and Planning Department, Mr. Nguyen Dac Phuong - Head of Marketing and International Relations Department, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Oanh - Head of Bidding Department, Mr. Ngo Ngoc Phac - Director of the Center for Traffic Works, Mr. Dang Van Khoi - Deputy Director of the Traffic Works Center – unit directly involved in the project.

The project of AE Resort - Cua Tung, Quang Tri is built on a total area of about 36.54 ha from Mui Si to Mui Chop on the coastal road of Service - Tourism area along the coastal road. Cua Tung - Vinh Moc, Vinh Thach commune and Cua Tung town, Vinh Linh district, Quang Tri province. The project includes a system of ecological villas, high-end resort services and related infrastructure to meet the entertainment needs of residents and tourists in the past, internationally, promoting tourism development. , creating a beautiful highlight in the area of Cua Tung - Bay Moc area.


Overview of the signing ceremony

At the beginning of the ceremony, Deputy General Director, Mr. Nguyen Huu Truong was very happy and excited when CONINCO was trusted by AE Corporation and were selected as a consultant to supervise the construction and installation of Condotel equipment. The Deputy General Director also shared, with 40 years of establishment and development, being the leading consultant of the Ministry of Construction, completing thousands of large and small projects across the country such as: National Convention Center, The National Assembly House and the new Ba Dinh Hall, the medium-sized urban development project - Vinh urban development sub-project, the project on building technical infrastructure of the new urban area north of Cam river - Hoang Van Thu bridge, road tunnel through Ca Pass ... CONINCO is confident and committed to seriously implement, providing service responsibilities to bring satisfaction to the Investor.

Give a speech at the ceremony, Ms. Do Thanh Loan - Deputy General Director of AE Corporation also shared that this is the first large-scale project of the group, so the leaders are very interested in selecting contractors for project implementation. CONINCO is a consultant contractor that is especially trusted by the company's leaders and hopes that today's principle contract signing ceremony will be a favorable first step for the cooperation between the two parties, opening up a cooperative not only a long-term relationship in this project but also in future projects.